Use Case : You get the following error message : react-dom.development.js:61 Warning: Functions are not valid as a React child. This may happen if you return a Component instead of from render. Or maybe you meant to call this function rather than return it.

Test platform : Windows 10, Chrome, React 17

Exemple of Source code :

    <div id="app">

     <script src=""></script> 
     <script src=""></script>
     <script src=""></script>

     <script type="text/jsx">

	function Header({ title }) {
	  return <h1>{title ? title:'default title'}</h1>;

        function MyPage() {
	  const names = ['John Doe', 'Henri Dust', 'Elton Muk'];

	  return (
	            <Header title="Test list of names" />
		      { => (

	ReactDOM.render(<MyPage />, app);


Solution : The line which give the warning is this one :

          { => (

In this example , for solving the problem you need add a key property to the tag <li>. Aditionally the value of the key property need to be unique like an Id. In your example we will use the index of the item in the array :

  { => (
    <li key={names.indexOf(name)}>{name} + - index: ' + {names.indexOf(name)}</li>

This is because React needs something to uniquely identify an item in the array so React knows which elements to update in the DOM.


Full error message

react.development.js:245 Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique « key » prop.

Check the render method of HomePage. See for more information.
at li
at HomePage

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