Use Case : You get the following error message : ResolveError can’t find framework: « next » when you try to create a Nextjs React project by running firstly a command like bun create next ./myappnext and secondly trying to run the project with the command bun dev after .

Test platform : Windows 10, Windows Subsystem For Linux,Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Solution : You need to run the two following command from your HOME directory for add the Nextjs framework tou your platform.

bun add -d bun-framework-next
bun bun –use next

Next step : Well you need to recreate your project with the command
bun create next ./myappnext again after deleting the first directory myappnext previously created but erroneous.


Full error message

ResolveError can’t find framework: « next ».

Maybe it’s not installed? Try running this:

bun add -d bun-framework-next
bun bun –use next

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